help me please in bst insertion,i think something is wrong in insertion(insert function)

#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node *left; node *right; }; node * init(int data){ node * root=new node(); root->data=data; root->left=NULL; root->right=NULL; return root; } void insert(node * root,int x){ if(root==NULL) { root=init(x); // cout<<root->data<<endl; return ; } else if(root->data>x) insert(root->left,x); else if(root->data<x) insert(root->right,x); } void printe(node*root){ if(root==NULL)return; cout<<root->data; printe(root->left); printe(root->right); } int main(){ int ar[]={5,3,6,4,23,6}; node * root=init(ar[0]); for(int i=1;i<6;i++){ insert(root,ar[i]); } cout<<"print"<<" "; printe(root); //cout<<"root->l->data"<<root->left->data<<endl; }

31st Aug 2018, 6:45 AM
Bahubali - avatar
13 Answers
+ 1
the root param in insert function is a pointer passed by value then when you modify his value inside it, original param will not be modified (then recursive call to insert will not update the new root->left or root->right pointer)... Try to use pointer passed by reference like: void insert(node*& root, int x){ ..... } P.S. Next time, please, when post code longer than 6-7 lines, use "CodePlayground" for save it and post here his link
31st Aug 2018, 7:48 AM
KrOW - avatar
+ 1
The pointer its an var containing an adress but has same limits of passing by value then if you have to modify the original var passed like param, you have to use pass by ref... Example: void nullify(int* p){ p= NULL; } void nullifyRef(int*& p){ p= NULL; } .... int a= 1; int* p= &a; nullify(p); // p here is always &a and not NULL // because p its a local variable // inside nullify then you edit only // it and not original parameter passed nullifyRef(p); // now p is NULL because its passed // by reference
31st Aug 2018, 8:05 AM
KrOW - avatar
+ 1
thank u KrOW
31st Aug 2018, 8:07 AM
Bahubali - avatar
+ 1
Bahubali Just for info, you can use a pointer to pointer also (eg void insert(node ** root, int x)) but using reference here make all more simple ... Anyway, your are welcome 👍👍👍
31st Aug 2018, 8:09 AM
KrOW - avatar
+ 1
https://code.sololearn.com/cSBye27S7t02/?ref=app here are some change in insert function also giving right result my question is since this is also pass by value and also it is returning node but in for loop I am not storing the returned value so how the root is connecting to other nodes
31st Aug 2018, 8:39 AM
Bahubali - avatar
+ 1
1) Yes... If you dont assign in main the root var, it will be always null 2) Supposing that root its inited before insert calls (in main function) all insertions works because you are modifying a var through a pointer (thats is the adress of that var). This is different from modify original var. root in main is a var then it has a value and an adress. When you pass it to insert function you are passing the VALUE of root (main) not his adress and the value is the adress of a node (or NULL) then from insert function you can modify THAT node but not the value of root (in main). This because you pass it by value
1st Sep 2018, 6:05 AM
KrOW - avatar
+ 1
thank u so much for ur time KrOW
1st Sep 2018, 6:18 AM
Bahubali - avatar
+ 1
You are welcome 👍👍 and i hope that i have clearify some concept
1st Sep 2018, 6:19 AM
KrOW - avatar
hey I have very silly question root is a pointer which store the address of a node so I am passing address of that node and connecting all node to that node where I am wrong
31st Aug 2018, 7:59 AM
Bahubali - avatar
Because you have inited root before the loop (with init) and following nodes are assigned in recorsive way... Try to set node* root= NULL; and you code will not work anymore
31st Aug 2018, 8:48 AM
KrOW - avatar
why it is not working if I make root =NULL I scratching my head right now it's been a day I am just digging this algorithm in many ways and coming up with many confusion
31st Aug 2018, 12:13 PM
Bahubali - avatar
Try to follow the logic of insert function... What happen when node root is NULL? It simply create a new node, set the data and return it (in practice its same like init function). Then if you dont init the original root pointer and not assign inited pointer to it, your call to insert will make always a new node (because root is always NULL)... What you have not understanded? Say to me and i will try to explain
31st Aug 2018, 7:46 PM
KrOW - avatar
when we make root==NULL insert function return node but we r not assigning that node to root thats make root always null right? in recursive we are connecting all node to root and return to main so how is that make change to root?because we r not passing it by reference or if i make root=insert(root,ar[i]) in for loop it will update the root -i understand this approach
1st Sep 2018, 3:01 AM
Bahubali - avatar