How java 9 change programs?
in Java 9 no more applet supporter no more frame One more string type static interface and new fx library for graphic build ..i think loads change..
1 Answer
+ 1
Here what I found. I hope this will help you!!
Key Changes in JDK 9
These changes affect more than one technology area.
FeatureDescriptionJava Platform Module SystemIntroduces a new kind of Java programing component, the module, which is a named, self-describing collection of code and data. This module system:
Introduces a new optional phase, link time, which is in-between compile time and run time, during which a set of modules can be assembled and optimized into a custom runtime image; see the jlink tool in Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference.
Adds options to the tools javac, jlink, and java where you can specify module paths, which locate definitions of modules.
Introduces the modular JAR file, which is a JAR file with a module-info.class file in its root directory.
Introduces the JMOD format, which is a packaging format similar to JAR except it can include native code and configuration files; see the jmod tool.