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Somebody help me i am not understanding selectors in jQuery

JQuery Selectors

1st Jan 2017, 5:27 AM
Solomon Musyoki
Solomon  Musyoki - avatar
3 Answers
+ 1
you can check difference here:) https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/trysel.asp It works same way as in css ...so you can search info about css selectors.
2nd Apr 2017, 10:58 PM
Rose Sevenyears
Rose  Sevenyears - avatar
Selctors in jQuery are used to select HTML elements from the page to get or set values, to add remove style, to add remove controls. you can select using tag name like $('p').action (); or usingelemnt id $('#elemntid').action (); or usin class name $('.className').action (); the action could be width () to get or set width height () to get or set height css () to change any style proprties like color backgroud padding ... addClass () to add class for elemnt attr () to get or set attributes values andalot of action can be done on elemnts that selext using jQuery selector
7th Jan 2017, 10:47 PM
Ahmad Hamdan
Ahmad Hamdan - avatar
If you tell me the question you don't understand then i can help you
17th Jun 2017, 4:54 PM
Vincent Alexander Ochoa
Vincent Alexander Ochoa - avatar