Is this not correct? I can't see the output.
from turtle import* clr=["violet","indigo","blue","green","yellow","orange","red","black"] pensize(5) for n in clr: color("black",n) begin_fill() circle(60) circle(70) circle(80) circle(90) end_fill() rt(45)
3 Answers
+ 3
If you are trying to run this code in the playground, graphics are not supported. The way the playground works prevents it. Your code is run on a remote server. Once it is done, the output is sent back. Graphic output doesn't translate well into data packets of bytes so it doesn't get done.
+ 2
I actually gave them a design that could handle it. The app already handles web pages. They have a server process to hand feed the input to the user code and capture the output before sending it back. Minor change to that process could give us interactive I/O. Graphics still wouldn't work, but happy users would still result.
+ 1
...though it would be nice if the _app_ had a console so code could run interactively.
*Yes, I'll keep mentioning that because SL never got back to my mail. Actually, I'll put it on my feed every N days.