+ 4

Why isn't there only one super-programming language? Let us discuss. :)

Did you ever wonder why there are so many programming languages? Did you ever wonder why we have such a variety of similar languages? Why did so many people decide to create their own language? Is it possible to rate the existing languages from best to worst? Is there even the best programming language? Why can't we program with already existing human languages? Why can't we agree on one programming language? What are the advantages of many seperate programming languages? I'd love to hear your opinion on that topic. Let us discuss in a respectful manner. :)

12th Oct 2018, 3:16 PM
20 Answers
+ 7
The reason behind it we are human and human doesn't satisfy with one thing.we want always some different things in different ways.dont think why there are so many programming languages always what we can do with that.
12th Oct 2018, 4:09 PM
Maninder $ingh
Maninder $ingh - avatar
+ 5
Maninder Singh I'd like to add one more thing. I do enjoy learning new languages. But I also see the disadvantages of having to learn many languages: Inefficiency and higher probability of mixing things up -> errors.
12th Oct 2018, 4:41 PM
+ 2
Akib Reza Haha. :) Yeah, I know. It seems overwhelming. But all these specific question represent just further thoughts one might have on this topic.
12th Oct 2018, 4:18 PM
+ 2
Maninder Singh I like that you trying to find a connection to human nature. But don't forget that learning a new language takes effort and humans are rather lazy creatures. So how big is the payoff? Is it really worth learning a new language? How many new things can we do with a new language that we could not do with the old?
12th Oct 2018, 4:31 PM
+ 2
Maninder Singh May I paraphrase what you just wrote: "A programming language is of no use if it's not used." I totally agree on that. This is exactly the reason why a lot of programming languages died out already. You also mentioned some examples for uses of different programming languages. Can you explain why you think python is not suitable for game development? Ever heard of e.g. the pygame package?
12th Oct 2018, 5:00 PM
+ 2
Akib Reza xD. Feel free to take part whenever you're having to much energy. ;)
12th Oct 2018, 5:02 PM
+ 2
Akib Reza I appreciate your elaborative answers. It is true that different languages serve different purposes. Therefore a comparison is only possible if languages share similar functionality. I see that you're not a big fan of the idea of a super-language. But you agree that there are pretty powerful languages already out there like e.g. python. So why don't we take it just a step further and fit the best concepts of the most important languages into one language? A good reason for a super-language is that you would have consistent syntax and endless capabilities at the same time. This would speed up the learning process of new programmers and the working process of old programmers. This way we may even end up saving the planet a lot faster because more and more people could get involved into using technologies for other purposes than entertainment and emails.
12th Oct 2018, 10:43 PM
+ 2
Computing is still a very new field! The first proper programming languages came about in the 70s, so there are people who have witnessed the entire history of computing and are still programmers today. Basically us programmers have no idea what we are doing yet and we throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. In a hundred years we'll have probably settled on a handful of programming languages, once we know what works and what doesn't. When cars were new, some of them were coal-powered. Hard to believe today but we didn't know better. I think we're still in that early innovation stage in programming, and it's pretty exciting :)
22nd Dec 2018, 1:32 AM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 1
Too many questions. 😱🤖
12th Oct 2018, 4:09 PM
Akib - avatar
+ 1
couscous if your need you can learn new programming language,but if you are learning new language and after complete it using like a tool then it is very great but after complete your language you don't nothing with it.then why you learn new programming language.i learn python because i want to do machine learning,AI i learn java and now i am using as android development for it.i also want to create some games but i know python is not good for gaming.in future i also learn c++ or may be c# because i know why i want to learn because i want to create games.so learn if your need otherwise drop it.i know html but never use why i learn i don't know. i know hardwork and patience is require to learn new things.
12th Oct 2018, 4:41 PM
Maninder $ingh
Maninder $ingh - avatar
+ 1
Python is versatile and you're pretty much able to do anything with it. As for why there is so many diff languages - I like web development and want to become a web dev so HTML 5, CSS3 and ES 5/6/7 is a must. For back-end I will use node and python. Then for primary focus of study I will learn C++ and Java in Univarsity and since I want to learn about unreal engine C++ is handy and Java is for messing around with Android studio whenever I feel like making a stupid app to mess with my friends. I learned C in high school just cause it was in the syllabus along with basic html and networking stuff. So it's clear that different langauge is good for different sorts of work. Hence no "Super language" because it would then be below average to complete every task. Oh shoot I wrote so many lines😱.
12th Oct 2018, 5:14 PM
Akib - avatar
+ 1
alex01001 I don't think your analogy hits the spot. Pun intended. A super-language would be more like a multitool rather than a single tool e.g. a hammer. Please be more percise. Why would you think a super-language could bring difficulties?
13th Oct 2018, 11:59 AM
+ 1
couscous A super language would be like a Swiss army knife - intended to do a lot but lacks in every part since it has to cramp a lot of things into a small place. If you don't yet understand what I mean google "Swiss army knife".
13th Oct 2018, 12:37 PM
Akib - avatar
+ 1
when humans come up with new technologies, older languages may not be compatible with them like, when we invented microcontroller normal C was very sophisticated so we developed embedded C it was a small modification but when changes are immense and use cases are vastly different we need to develop a new specific language
24th Oct 2018, 6:20 AM
yugansh sharma
yugansh sharma - avatar
couscous yah I am on the lazy list. The explanation by m.sing is too big for my lazy mind to read like all those questions. I will just read the smaller discussions.👻
12th Oct 2018, 4:55 PM
Akib - avatar
Few more answers: 4GL is natural language for example SQL. Which you could search in google. And don't see the reason to rate any langauge since each was created with different perspective in mind. And - People can't agree on saving the planet how can you expect them agree on one programming language and for what reason?
12th Oct 2018, 5:21 PM
Akib - avatar
It‘s like using only a hammer to build a house instead of using other tools. It may be possible but it is certanly much harder.
13th Oct 2018, 10:23 AM
couscous It‘s because you can‘t make a tool that is able to do everything you need to build a house. Maybe it is even possible, but it would be way to clunky and complicated to use. After all you would still have to know exactly how everything works so why don‘t you just learn how to use different tools, which are specialized on their task, instead of having one big tool that can do everything but not as efficient as the single tools can.
13th Oct 2018, 12:34 PM
world is continuously changing every day human can't satisfy with limited things and different platforms need different languages and everything has a unique way of solving problems and it's importance if you buy a new mobile today it is old for tomorrow there is another model available in the market with more specs and less price
15th Oct 2018, 5:36 PM
hacker new
hacker new - avatar