Hello everyone, can somebody helpme?, I would like to learn how to program an operative sistems in microcontrollers.
6 Answers
Usually microcontrollers don't have operating systems. They get libraries that provide operating system like features. The features you build depend on the hardware you have and what you really want it to do.
+ 1
Thanks for your answer John, you know something about artificial intelligence ?, development software, etc.
+ 1
My artificial intelligence knowledge is top level concept only (it has never been an interest of mine.) I got into professional software development in 1973 as I was hired to program for the college I was attending. I've retired now. I worked on embedded systems since the 80's. Most of my years were in C++. I'm current learning Android development using Kotlin.
wow for me that's amazing, now I study electronics and I like programming a lot, I'm thinking of devoting myself to the development of embedded systems, could you give me some advice for my life project or development tools?. I will deeply appreciate it.
There were no development tools that I used. Used GNU C++ and the libraries I & another created together. When I switched companies, they had similar stuff. But, I found things to gain performance increase.
Study operating systems, but ignore multi-user and internal security stuff. There is only one user that doesn't need to be protected. Internet security is a must. File systems can be important. Threads or tasking is crucial as it is the most important part of an OS for use in embedded. Messaging between threads/tasks must be perfect or the system crashes.
Most stuff you can build and test via IDE on a PC. Once you got enough parts working, you could play for real with a PC booting it with your code.
hello john now I have many questions, do you recommend GCC ?, the knowledge can be useful in microcontrollers PIC32, ATMEL, FREESCALE, ST, ON-SEMICONDUCTOR, etc. I consider this closer to electronic engineering.
Thanks for your time