please debug this program i need it urgently
#incude<conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> const int LEN=25; class Person char name[LEN]; int age ; public: void readperson(); void displayperson() {cout<<"Name :"; cout.write(name,LEN); cout <<"\tAge :<<age<<"\n"; } }; void Person:: readperson() {for(int i=0;i<LEN;i++) name[i]=' '; cout<<"Enter Name of the person :"; gets(name); cout<<"Enter Age :"; cin>>age; } class Student :public Person { int rollno; float average; public: void readstudent() { readperson(); cout<<"Enter roll number :"; cin>>rollno; cout<<"Enter Average marks :"; cin>>average; } void disp_rollno() {cout<<"Roll numer :"<<rollno<<"\n"; float getaverage(void) {return average ;} }; class GradStudent : public Student {char subject[len]; char working ; public: void readit(void); void displaysubject() {cout<<"Subject:"; cout.write(subject,LEN); } char workstatus () { return working; } }; void GradStudent::readit() {readstudent(); for(int i=0;i<LEN;i++) subject[i]=' '; cout<<"Enter main subject :"; gets(subject); cout<<"Working ?(Y/N)":; cin>>working; } int main() { const int size =5; GradStudent grad[size]; int year ,num_working=0,non_working=0,div=0,total=0; float topscore =0,score,number,wperc,nwperc; cout<<"Enter Year :"; cin>>year; for (int i=0;i<size,i++) {cout<<"Emter details for Graduate"<<(i+1)<<"\n"; grad[i].readit; total++; if(grad[i].workstatus()=='Y')||(grad[i].workstatus()=='Y')) num_working++; else non_working++; score=grad[i].getaverage(); if(score>topscore) { topscore=score ;number=i;} if(score>=60.0) div1++; } i=number; cout<<"\n"<<"\t\tReport for the year"<<year<<"\n"; cout<<"t\t-----------------------\n"; cout<<"Working graduates :"<<non_working<<"\n"; cout<<"\tDetails of the Top scorer \n"; gradi].displayperson(); grad[i].displaysubject(); nwperc=((float)non_working/(float)total)*100; wperc=((float)div1/(float)total)*100; cout<<"\tAverage marks :"<<grad[i].getaverage()<<"\n"; cout<<'\t'<<newperc<<"%of the graduates this yea