5 Answers
+ 3
That depends on many factors: frameworks, existing codebase, _reason_ for switching (is it dissatisfaction with PHP or because a random person told you to and now you want the opinions of a bunch of other random people)...
I'm _not_ a web programmer as such, but when people tell me to move my C code to C++ I tell them to fsck off because it's not worth the time and they each do one thing and do it properly.
Did you know the IRS and Federal Reserve Bank of the USA still use COBOL? Why? a) Imagine porting to another language or rewriting that code base! b) Surprisingly it apparently still works darn well.
So while I've not answered your question, hopefully that's food for thought!
+ 1
Not only is a switch to Python back-end a good thing, a switch to Python itself is a very good thing.
If you don't want to switch to python, you could move on to NodeJs.
I started learning Flask(Python ) yesterday.
Finally I saw a video of some quantum computing industry using Django(Python) for the backen
+ 1
Python is a very versatile language with loads of libraries. It's a good language to do back-end development.
Python is king right now enough said its just behind Javascript.
No, Java is King. TIOBE index:
(Someone's been reading blogs again.)
If you look at the current top three, you'll notice something: Java at #1 and C at #2 with C++ beneath C at #3. Does this mean C is a better choice for making the next Tekken? To answer your question preemptively, no. C and C++ have their roles. C++ can make complex tasks very easy and provide great encapsulation. Especially the C++17 standard. I _still_ wouldn't change my existing C codebase, even if C++17 came with a free cheeseburger, but I would not write a complex game in C either.
Now look at #1, it's Java. Yes, it's great but also the most restrictive language I've ever tried out.
So, a) Saying Python is King is like saying JS is King. It's a random opinion. b) Even if it does rank higher than PHP does not mean you should stop using PHP.
Bottom Line: Stop with "Trending"-popularity-contest-thing and focus on what works best _for you_ for the job.