+ 2
How to go back and output php code in html file?
I am trying to output of my php code on html page but i am on php file. How can i go back from php file to html file and print that?
4 Answers
+ 1
Janningâ if i can go forward then i think there should be a way to go back
Maybe there is a language issue here, but I'm not sure the question is very clear. PHP is a server side language that generates HTML for the client. Where and how are you trying to "print"?
I think you can insert php code in php tag in your html file.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "forward" and "back".
PHP is server-side, so it generates the HTML file and serves it to the client for rendering (generally by a web browser). If you want a copy of the HTML code, any web browser should be able to help you "view-source:".