C++ help !!!!!!
Make a program that displays the the content of an array that includes negative and positive values in the following format: **********-10 10********** 2** **-2 You might need a max and min functions Use setw() to display at different positions what I did is something like this #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> Using namespace std; int main() double A[6]={-10,15,-7,5,-10,16} double sum= 0; for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ for (int j=sum;j<=-1;j++) {cout<<â*â;} cout<<sum; if (sum== -2){ cout<<setw(12);} if (sum== -7){ cout<<setw(12);} if (sum== -10){ cout<<setw(12);} for(int j=1;j<=sum;j++) {cout<<â*â;} if (sum== 3){ cout<<setw(4);} if (sum== 5){ cout<<setw(9);} cout<<endl; } return0; } My attempt is not what the TA wanted. I need help please.