What are the most used framework in PHP?

6th Jan 2017, 10:58 AM
bikash panda
bikash panda - avatar
7 Answers
+ 1
Symfony, Laravel
6th Jan 2017, 12:31 PM
Jakub Stasiak
Jakub Stasiak - avatar
+ 1
I heard that's depend on companies and places for example in USA they use most Laravel and in Europe they use Symfony more in Arabic countries using code ignetor
6th Jan 2017, 2:09 PM
Souhail Kablouti
Souhail Kablouti - avatar
+ 1
its not about what better its about to understand how frameworks working for first step sure u have learned php then u need OOP after that make a search about MVC , if you understand this you can work on any framework but usually they use laravel for big projects and codeignetor for smalls after u being professional u can make your own framework . good luck
6th Jan 2017, 2:17 PM
Souhail Kablouti
Souhail Kablouti - avatar
+ 1
Laravel is a un-official but official framework supported by all php community. Now the most popular nop, unlike frameworks a classic php project is a set of php composer libs and raw php files. A best way IMO
7th Jan 2017, 12:20 AM
nextco - avatar
ok tq
6th Jan 2017, 12:38 PM
bikash panda
bikash panda - avatar
how I choose what is better?
6th Jan 2017, 2:11 PM
bikash panda
bikash panda - avatar
tq bro..
6th Jan 2017, 2:18 PM
bikash panda
bikash panda - avatar