+ 4
Which topics I should learn to understand CSS beter?
6 Answers
+ 2
Go through the course provide here it xan give you basic idea on which you can practise
+ 1
The first topic is the HTML, because is the strucrure of the page. With Css you decide how your page will appear.
Are basilar the selectors: id (only for element that appear one time in the page) and class.
You can choose every name you want, but in general web developer use always the same.
An element appears like this:
Some propety are:
- for the body: width, height, margin, background
- text and tag <p>: color, font-family, font-size, text-trasformation, Text- decoration, ecc...
- for image or div: width, height, border, align, ecc...
For understand and improve your Css ability you have to do a lot of pratice example.
+ 1
html is first and then learn about css
I think doing the HTML, Javascript, PHP and CSS tutorial will help you understand better. At least it worked for me :)
learn all the topics, there are very important