+ 5
What should be learned first, C or C++?
7 Answers
+ 6
It depends on your purpose. C and C++ are quite similar.
C++ is more advanced compared to C
+ 3
If you want to learn c++ then its not necessary that you should learn c before. So, you should go with c++ because it will provide you a larger scope and is easy to learn. You can learn c++ without having any knowledge about c.
+ 2
Why is C so much harder to understand?
+ 2
Either one would work. C is a “small” language to learn. C++ is “bigger” since it has a lot more concepts of object oriented programming. Personally, I would skim through “the C probramming language” book and/ or watch a short introduction video to get the idea. Then go slowly through a book about C++ (i.e. C++ primer)
+ 1
C++,more prefer
+ 1
Despite having already finished the CSS course, what is recommended to learn after HTML?
C is above all of them. Learn c first then you can learn the rest easily