Which is the best program to use to make video games? C#,C++,JS or what?
I want to make video games,let me know which one is the most easiest and effective to make video games with unity.
5 Answers
+ 7
Java is best for games developing
+ 4
most effective probably c#, c++
+ 1
As you have chosen unity,definitely you should go with C#.As unity is associated with C#.All the best:)
+ 1
There are many good game engines you can chose from. I would suggest Unity3D, because you can find examples for about anything you want to create, and it has pretty good documentation. Unity uses c#. If you're not afraid of c++, I would suggest UnrealEngine. Unreal uses c++ and drag and drop programming system called blueprint. Both are fun to work in and are WYSIWYG.
C++ gives you more memory control so game can be faster, but if it is small game, I propose C# with Unity as better option.