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What do you guys think about your programming journey?
What do you guys think about your programming journey? How it was? How is it going? And how do you feel about it? Do you think it improved any other skill in general? In my case I really liked and currently like to be able to learn amazing things everyday about programming and technology in general. I think it is going very well because it opens my mind to everything in general. I feel like if I want and if I take the time it requires I can learn anything. Because its not only about the fact you're learning how to code but the fact you're getting the abillities to research in an efficient way, "debug", break big problems into simple ones... And you can kinda see this patterns in everything around you.
1 Answer
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Mine start from highschool its vocational highschool, and i'm taking animation department :D which fun, drawing still my passion today.
Teacher introduce me to Flash in first year, and thats first experience an actionscript 2.0 😄 even though its just a onclik listener with gotoandplay method but i was proud with it.
At 2nd year my friend from another school told me about html, it was pre-html5 i was really confuse to choose html or xhtml, the rule are bit different, but aside of that i really thrill when first time found marquee xD i mean really, look its moving!!? Around the time i also try merging flash with webpage, which is cool some part looks interactive now
Around the same year i introduce with 3D modeling sofware called blender, it wasnt much til i found blender has its own game engine written in python.
Not long i was addicted with warcraft 3 map making, it wasnt much but its the first time i understand a concept of variable, what is local what is global and stuff. Ops, I character length limit 😂