+ 5
I want to make a visual novel video game what language should I learn?
I already know HTML and Iām learning Python right now.
4 Answers
+ 18
Java Would Help!!!
+ 11
If you want make game for pc go to learning unreal engine and if you want game for mobile device learning unity
+ 4
I'd start with C# for game development,u can run your program on multiple systems with that one code base without making changes..
If you want to target mostly android you can learn Java,(C# will work just well too).
After all that,learn C++..(Best language for game development)..
Here's a few books i recommend..
-C# 7.0 for dummies
-beginning Java 9 2nd edition
-beginning C++17 from novice to profession
All these are free to download at "allitebooks.in"(they will make you great at any language)
Theirs lots of game programming books on allitson too,just use the search bar...
For VN, html and js will do.
It'll filled with hardcoded dialogue and images, but its fine for the start