+ 2
Is there a way to make a diffrent text appear, when the page is refreshed?
Alright, so, I want like diffrent questions appearing everytime you go in and out or refresh the page... Not sure if it's possible. Because I had this idea on twitch when you say !question everytime a diffrent question appears, but do that as a mod. Not as the streamer. And if there's a way to make a diffrent text appear once refreshed the page, can you please tell me how? Thanks.
6 Answers
+ 1
It can be easily done in js in front end, and any server side language.
For example in js
create an array of text you want to show, then choose random number from 0 to last index. then choose element from array using that random number
btw, delete the double post -> https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1613905/
+ 1
In modern high level language, yes array are everywhere. And yes php has array
Point is I don't unserstand half of this stuff xd
Wait, so the "array" thing is in every language? Because I decided to learn php as it seems easy..
Alright, thanks mate,
made the code
you can change the questions if ye want