+ 1
Duda con puntuaciones / Doubt with ratings
Me gustarĂa saber cĂłmo se calcula los puntos obtenidos por los cursos realizados, porque veo que no todos tienen la misma puntuaciĂłn en los cursos. I would like to know how the points for the courses are calculated, because I see that not all have the same score in the courses.
3 Answers
+ 4
My course points are reasonably close to what completing course earns as I've never used hints and only played a few challenges. Most platium level people used challenges to rack up the points. My xp got me there because I answer tons of questions and best answer like you gave me here also gives xp.
+ 2
Por otra parte en mi perfil e visto que a medida que ganĂł desafĂos aumentan mis XP en dicho lenguaje yo pensaba que esa puntuaciĂłn solo era por terminal el curso y por eso mi duda sobre cuĂĄnto gana uno por cada curso que completa ha entendĂ.
On the other hand, in my profile, I saw that as I gained challenges, my XP increased in that language. I thought that that score was only for the terminal, and that is why I doubt how much one earns for each course I complete.
+ 1
You gain and lose points playing language challenges. You also lose points making use of hints to answer the course quizes.