+ 37

[CLOSED] Activity Feed vs Weekly Highlights: How is the content for each filter determined?

After using the in-app search feature and an external search engine, I was unable to find a SoloLearn thread specifically dedicated to this subject. I did find this link ( https://www.sololearn.com/Blog/36/weekly-roundup-your-best-codes/ ) but am not sure if it is relevant as it predates the release of the Activity Feed tab (house icon) in the Android version. ( https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1362011/?ref=app ). My impression is that the Activity Feed > Activity Feed is comprised of the activity of the accounts I am following (of whatever they haven't turned off in the settings). If so, this seems fairly straightforward. Can someone confirm? On the other hand, the Weekly Highlights seem to have a group of SoloLearn posts, followed by posts from accounts which may or may not be directly related to my "network". I hesitate to assume that these posts are comprised of all activity for all accounts across SoloLearn. How are the SoloLearn posts chosen and how are the other (remaining) posts chosen?

16th Dec 2018, 1:50 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
19 Answers
+ 20
In my Activity Feed I do see posts from people I don't follow (it's possible that they follow me). I guess for Weekly Highlights they show posts that got a lot of upvotes in that week. Also, new lessons.
16th Dec 2018, 2:02 PM
Kishalaya Saha
Kishalaya Saha - avatar
+ 19
Janning⭐ Thank you very much for reminding me of the Content Creation Guidelines and Yeva's welcome to SoloLearn thread, I suppose I need to review them again right?. Now, I have seen some SoloLearn app/platform related posts before, carrying suggestions or questions of doubt regarding any of the features provided, and some were marked after given a note, duplicate links or suggestion to use the Feedback feature or to send an e-mail to the team directly. I have been here more than a year, and I know exactly where I stand, given that, I guess I'm supposed to leave this be, and hope my assumption were all wrong. Let this be a record in my log.
16th Dec 2018, 4:33 PM
+ 15
🤔 Not sure if this is getting a bit off-thread-topic, but we (I?) try to evaluate and respond to threads on a case-by-case basis. If a thread is duplicate, it's a pretty clear case for getting marked for deletion. After that, it depends on how the original post is phrased. Sometimes, it's just a comment or statement, which would be categorized as "Not a Question". Other times, it sounds like a letter to SoloLearn with a feature or content request, which is a gray area. The ones most likely to be kept are the ones that address the community as a whole and don't leave things too open-ended.* Bringing it back on-thread-topic, I don't think this thread counts as feedback (suggestions/complaints). This is indeed app/platform-related and I'm asking for clarification of existing functionality. I don't believe that this is something that ONLY SoloLearn HQ would know, but if it turns out that it is, I'd be happy to ask them directly. I suspect that this has been explained in somewhere, but I couldn't find it. 😞
16th Dec 2018, 4:54 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 13
Is this proportional? I have seen how moderators do their deeds reminding users to use activity feeds unless the post is programming related, or is there an exception along with a status?
16th Dec 2018, 3:07 PM
+ 12
KrOW sorry my friends, meant no offense at all, I could be mistaken, but I just couldn't see a reason why can't this doubt be in a feed post, there will be equally as much and as good of answers there too, and never would I write the note if I didn't notice the poster is a moderator, I don't know if I was expecting too much, but I figured to lead by examples was one of the characteristics. Kishalaya Saha I understand, but I have also witnessed SoloLearn related question MFD'ed and removed before. Anyone can tell me if I step on one's toe, I will write in my log about it, to prevent future misunderstanding, and to behave myself : )
16th Dec 2018, 3:51 PM
+ 12
Ipang SoloLearn related questions/statements are also allowable when non-duplicate in Q&A. That doesn't mean that some gold/platium mod won't mark it mfd as there is always room for interpretation on it being important enough to keep.
16th Dec 2018, 5:14 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 11
Ipang My friend, Programming-related questions & if actually fits as a SoloLearn improvement post! ;)👍😉
16th Dec 2018, 3:59 PM
Danijel Ivanović
Danijel Ivanović - avatar
+ 11
I've noticed activity feed posts from people I don't follow as well, and was unsure how these are selected into my feed. Most in my feed are from people I follow. The out-of-network posts I've seen have included those posted minutes ago with 0 upvotes and 0 comments. So that rules out the thought that these are trending posts. That said, I've never noticed an out-of-network post that I thought was random or bad. It's as if they are selected based on quality of content or based on relevance. Otherwise, I'm sure I would be looking for a way to filter out these posts from my feed. My guess is these are manually curated rather than using some algorithm. But I could be wrong.
16th Dec 2018, 5:16 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 10
I asked myself same just some days after activity feed appears to SL app... Its not clear which content its show up to you
16th Dec 2018, 2:15 PM
KrOW - avatar
+ 10
Ipang I have doubts about that too! Yeva's welcome post ( https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1316935/?ref=app ) mentions only coding-related threads are allowed. But I've heard senior mods say that posts about SL are also fine.
16th Dec 2018, 3:43 PM
Kishalaya Saha
Kishalaya Saha - avatar
+ 10
Thanks guys 4 your replies. They are helping me understand how the new world I have as an iOS user on the "Feed Tab" works due to latest update of SoloLearn App!
5th May 2019, 7:40 AM
Geovanny Martínez Forero
Geovanny Martínez Forero - avatar
+ 9
Good observation, Ipang ! From the Content Creation Guidelines: "Posts by SoloLearn community members should be programming-related and aimed at helping individual learners and community members improve their programming skills by creating a respectful resource base. Posts may also focus on improving aspects of the platform and providing the community with improved content, whenever applicable." https://www.sololearn.com/Content-Creation-Guidelines/ Jay Matthews also clarifies this in the oft-linked "Welcome to SoloLearn forum!" thread. https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/1316935/?ref=app If the moderation team makes an assessment and finds this thread to be inadequate to improving our knowledge base, I'm sure they will remove it. 🙂
16th Dec 2018, 3:52 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 8
Ipang Right observation... Personally i thinked that this section is for coding and SL problems (like many previously opened discussions) but probably this is an ideal occasion for get clarifications
16th Dec 2018, 3:33 PM
KrOW - avatar
+ 8
* A notable exception is that thread asking for improvement suggestions for 2019 that started back in September. That thread went kinda nuts (in my opinion).
16th Dec 2018, 5:00 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 8
John Wells I am aware of it, and I am over this, left it all behind ...
16th Dec 2018, 5:29 PM
+ 8
Well, like said, Ipang raised a good question that clearify if SL problems can be asked here then, thank you and dont worry. We mods have to be the firsts to respect rules 😉
16th Dec 2018, 5:36 PM
KrOW - avatar
+ 4
I think random codes of mine get into followers of followers feeds and people just upvote everything going by. Im gonna private anything I dont consider interesting soon.
16th Dec 2018, 5:22 PM
Genghis - avatar
Geovanny Martínez Forero frozen enum AttributeScopes.FoundationAttributes.NumberFormatAttributes.SymbolAttribute
10th Mar 2022, 2:00 PM
Роман Rid
- 2
Hi do you teach me please >> Try to keep your answers relevant to the thread you are in. Otherwise it's considered spam. Be sure to read the Content Creation Guidelines to get an idea of how you are expected to conduct yourself on this platform. https://www.sololearn.com/Content-Creation-Guidelines/
1st Nov 2020, 6:48 AM
Husnullo Toshmamatov