3 Answers
+ 15
For data science applications those below are the most used modules:
-- numpy - enables the powerful array datatype and speeds up computations done on arrays, matrices, tensors
-- pandas - the Swiss knife for data manipulation, data mining and data processing
-- scikit-learn (sklearn) - the Python home for machine learning algorithms and models, measures, scores, stats, coefficients
-- scipy - scientific computations, formulas and handy tools for most common algorithms
-- matplotlib - programmable visualization package, really powerful when used proficiently
-- seaborn - an upgrade of matplotlib, makes the charts look more beautiful :)
That's basically something to start with. In case you have some specific interest in a particular discipline (deep learning, computer vision, autonomous machines, natural language processing, etc.) or any auxiliary area (webscraping, database handling, cloud computing, etc.), you might need some other modules, but those should get you going at least at the beginning.
+ 8
I think Kuba Siekierzyński can help with that...
help me