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Python interaction with audio interface
Hey guys, I want to start a project which simulates bass guitar amplifier tones. However, I don't have a clue on how to program it in python, as I'm going to make an app which is able to receive information from an audio interface, which converts the analog signal into a digital signal. I don't find anything on internet related to this topic.
3 Answers
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These links should focus more heavily on code you can extract/modify (like the audio importer in the second search) without forcing you to learn everything about DSP first.
~ Google:
~ python dsp
ThinkDSP : http://greenteapress.com/wp/think-dsp/
~ A free book on DSP in Python. It's from 2012, but...professionally published with code.
~ Working for Python 3: https://github.com/AllenDowney/ThinkDSP/issues/7
~ Programming-based approach (not math first)
Python For Signal Processing (includes book-as-blog)
Learning DSP Illustrated (Python examples for all articles)
~ Google:
~ DSP python "bass guitar"
Real Time Signal Processing In Python (tutorial; shows capturing a live audio source)
Raspberry Pi Real Time DSP Audio Effects for Bass Guitar (source + YouTube dissertation)
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As an older Q&A I'm trying something a little different. While you have enough detail here that I could hedge some guesses, would you mind sharing some of the searches you've done and why the results are not in line with what you're seeking?
Perhaps it's just as simple as not having the programming->A/V terminology exactly right...and I might be able to help you refine that while keeping those refinements in programming contexts.
Kirk Schafer I found lots of stuff related to GUIs and abouts the main structure of the project. However, I only DSP (Digital Signal Processing) examples and lessons in C or C++ . Unfortunately, it will take a huge time to make this project if I have to learn C++ and all the digital processing stuff.