Auto running
is the program able to define variabales in certain specific principle itself?For example,if i wanna to save a series of values each in a single variables into from var_1 to var_n.Is it possible?How to code?Or if there is any other way to take it place?
1 Answer
Hello Mi Sa Pon I am not 100% sure of that what you're asking, but you mean something like an array? :)
myArray[n] = {1,2, ... , n};
myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;
myArray[n] = n;
and you can do something like
myArray[0] = var_1;
and so on :)
you probably could use a FOR function, but I'm not sure what you need, so can you provide more information on what you're working?!?