+ 5
Best python advance tutoriols website..??
#learntocode <answer my question/>
7 Answers
+ 21
Sentdex !!!!
+ 11
Check out python 's help pages on its web site. It has PDFs.
+ 8
@Frost: I ageee, sentdex is awesome!!
+ 2
Check Codecademy! There's plenty of tutorials including Python, very useful, well explained and rich in content!
+ 2
If you're strong with basics then get yourself "Programming Python" by Mark Lutz
It starts with a refresher for basics then dives into advance topics like WebApps dev with Django framework, GUI dev with tkinter, etc...
+ 2
For hacking related stuff there's "Python for Pentesters"
+ 1
For basics get "Dive into Python"