for programmers . kali linux or debian ... ?

or somthing else

12th Feb 2019, 3:03 AM
Marouane Berhi
Marouane Berhi - avatar
2 Answers
+ 1
Between the two you mentioned. I choose Debian. Although you can technically code in Kali, this is frowned upon because Kali is built primarily as a pentesting distro. The official website of offensive security even mentions that Kali was NOT built as a desktop distro. Read the documentation: https://docs.kali.org/introduction/should-i-use-kali-linux You can also try Ubuntu as an alternative to Debian. I haven't tried any RHEL-based distros but you can also try Fedora if you want.
12th Feb 2019, 5:22 AM
Lambda_Driver - avatar
- 1
I would suggest you kaLi Linux but programmer can code in every OS.
12th Feb 2019, 4:33 AM
Ms DhONi
Ms DhONi - avatar