Break my code
Can someone break my code so I can fix it? The language is Python # types_of_people is a variable that stores the value of 10 types_of_people = 10 # x contains a formated string that uses the_types_of_people viriable x = f"There are {types_of_people} type of people." # binary contains a string variable binary = "binary" #do_not contains a string variable do_not = "don't" # y contains a formated string variable that use the variables binary and do_not y =f"Those who know {binary} and those who {do_not}."# 2 strings within a string # Variables x and y are printed and the formated strings are using their external variables print(x) #3 and 4 string within a string print(y) # The variables x and y are used in formated strings print(f"I said: {x}") #5 string within a string print(f"I also said: {y}") #6 string within a string # halarious uses the boolean value of False halarious = False # joke_evaluation has a string variable that uses the {} which opens up this string to be formatted later on joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny! {}" # joke_evaluation is customized using the .format() method print(joke_evaluation.format(halarious)) # technically a boolean value within a string w = "This is the left side of..." e = "a string with a right side." # the variables w and e are added together making a longer string print(w+e)