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I have so many doubts. What is the use of all the programming languages?
Actually when I learn programming languages, one question always arise in my mind " What is the use of this? " and when I got the answer my mind say how can I do?. First time when I leant c language I think I have learned a much more but what is the use of c language and how?
2 Answers
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//C has been used to write everything from operating systems (including Windows and many others) to complex programs like the Python interpreter, Git, Oracle database, and more.
The versatility of C is by design. It is a low-level language that relates closely to the way machines work while still being easy to learn.
One reason for all the different programming languages is to have different options for different needs. For example, as Shudarshan said, C is used to create other programming languages, which is much easier than writing a new language from machine language. Languages like javascript and php were created to make websites active and interactive. The different languages give a variety of options to choose from when writing a program.
Compare it to vehicles. Iâd hate to try getting sheets of plywood home with a motorcycle, but they would go right inside a Ford E350 I used to own. People who drive an hour each way to work daily wouldnât be able to afford the gas my big van would take, so they just have a small car.
Different vehicles, or programming languages, for different purposes.