Is there any app for scratch (for Android OS ) ...
if yes ( with tutorials in written form ) then which one..... or any other... way..... thanks
4 Answers
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I would also like to know
python interpreter?
supposedly sketchware on Google store is a block style app that makes games. says that it is similar to "scratch" but I have not played either yet.
#Donny... thanks...
I also did a bit of research 😂😂😂
scratch tutorials on mit.edu - as there's the need of Adobe flash ... so it's quite difficult to go thru scratch on mit web page ... ( lifelong kindergarten group , mit - developers of scratch )
sketchware has tutorials this I doubt ...
there's another scratch like language by Austrian university - catrobat
one can practice it on mobile by downloading an app named pocket code available on Google play store.....
I would also like to suggest @SoloLearn to add both of these to their fleet
#HappyLearning and thanks