+ 2
What about other formats like Underline, strike through and double strike through
3 Answers
+ 1
Hi Ken Charles
I found a lesson on what you are describing.
Next time make your question more specific, for example giving the language you have the problem in.
I was talking about html
hi Ken Charles
Html is used for adding content
For example:
• Text
• Images
CSS is used for styling (Making it look pretty)
This means that everything to do with how something looks will be done in CSS and not HTML as html is just for adding content
CSS examples:
• Changing colour/size/font of text etc
• changing size of pictures
CSS is used to make the content added by HTML to look nice
Therfore you will need to use CSS for adding underlines, stike thoughs and even taking them away. such as removing underline from links.
This lesson describes how to complete the things you mentioned: