+ 16
What is meant by overriding a base class in Java?
According to one of the challenge quizzes here, you can override a base class whereas you can't override final and static methods as well as constructors. But what exactly is overriding the base class? Is it simply the extension of the class to create a subclass?
10 Answers
+ 7
I think thats describes all what you have to know about overriding.
But I'm wondering if this quiz question is formulated correct. Maybe it's common among programmers to formulate it that way.
+ 32
Overriding means redefining the method of base class in sub class.
That means the name of the method, it's parameters remains the same. Just we are redefining it.
+ 11
JaseemAkhtar ,Denise Roßberg thanks but what you have described is overriding a method, which I already know about. I'm asking about overriding a base class which the question specifically mentioned. The answers to the question said that you can't override constructors, final methods or static methods, which is correct but that you CAN override a base CLASS. Is this the same as overriding a non-final, non-static method of the base class? It's the terminology I am confused about.
+ 11
Just Googling also seems to suggest that overriding the base class loosely refers to overriding its members. Maybe I just came across a confusingly worded question.
+ 11
Thanks for the effort Denise Roßberg !! Appreciate it.
+ 8
At first: Create a new question and show your code, so others can help you.
Second: I am not able to create a browser. It exceeds my capabilities.
+ 6
Here is a very simple example:
Class Animal (your base class) with the method makeSound(). The class Cat extends Animal. Overrides makeSound().
+ 6
Sonic Before I answered you I used also google. So I think override base class means override methods of a base class.
+ 4
Please who can help me create a browser app and add my admob to it (just a small browser ) please I was just scammed because of this am cashless now , I promise to pay you once I get anything from admob please help me , just a domy browser even if it is only Google search thanks
Sonic Mitali Punny Programmer Denise Roßberg Tanu JaseemAkhtar Jonathan Pizarra
+ 3
You can find it in google.