+ 4
/*Solved*/ Creating Windows App with Visual Studio
I installed Visual Studio, and when I tried to create "Blank App (Universal Windows)", no matter whether I choose C# or JavaScript, it says Minimum platform version is Windows 10, but my Windows is Windows 8.1, and then the Project closes itself automatically immediately. What can I do?
57 Answers
+ 2
Choose .Net Desktop Development
+ 4
Why does the solved tag/part of title in this thread use /* */ instead of [ ] ?
+ 4
~ swim ~ I agree that YouTube tutorials are the fast track to pick up the new skills, which I just did it.
But the good point of QnA is the discussion, which we could always discuss to find a better ways and solutions, there are 2 different means, serve different purpose.
+ 3
To build window form
I choose
Select New -> Project... -> Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) Visual C#
Here my first win form!
+ 3
Sorry, i choose Windows Desktop, not .NET
This is what i choose..
Go to Visual Studio Installer, install Windows Desktop
+ 3
I use only VS2017... How you get 2019?
+ 2
Coffee☕Underrun Thank you for your answer, is there any way I can create Windows application for older version of Windows?
+ 2
Wiki mentioned Universal Windows only introduced in Windows 10.
+ 2
Add Console.ReadLine();
Would pause there
+ 2
I dont choose WPF, I choose .Net
+ 2
Sorry, i choose Windows Desktop, not .NET
This is what i choose..
Go to Visual Studio Installer, install Windows Desktop
+ 2
Coffee☕Underrun yes the interface of my first C# program is like of win 3.1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But I can live with it.
I google a bit, seems:
winform~html only
Wpf app ~ html+css
Once first step is marched out, rest is easier (relatively) ~
+ 1
It works, thanks
+ 1
If you really need to create desktop app from node, you should use Electron.js which allow you to access local files.
+ 1
I am installing c# win form, size is very big
+ 1
Dont use Apache Cordova, better use React Native or Flutter to build native apps.
+ 1
Select New -> Project... -> Console App (.NET Framework) Visual C#
+ 1
Calviղ many thanks~
Now I have this Windows Desktop Win Form project created~
I see Form1.cs as a blank window. And a Toolbox like MS Paint, let me try coding my first Windows application. 😋
+ 1
Because this one is about C# 😜