+ 2
How can i make simple assistant using cpp. May anybody guide me.
4 Answers
+ 6
It needs to be an interactive q&a program, using cin stream for input and cout stream for output. For a simple program you may embed all knowledge in a program and not a database or file. You could use a menu driven system for user input. Testing on codeplayground will be tricky as interactive responses are not supported here.
+ 2
How is this
+ 1
// Added full guide
// Simple calculator+calculator+Table+squareroot+square
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main ()
string name1;
cout<<"Enter your name"<<name1<<endl;
if (name1=="Aman"||name1=="Karan"||name1=="aman"||name1=="karan"||name1=="Gaurav"||name1=="gaurav")
cout<<"Good Afternoon Sir!"<<endl;
string name2;
cout<<"What's is the order?"<<name2<<endl;
cout<<"Things that you can do:"<<endl;
cout<<"1. Enter 'Day' if you want to know Today's day"<<endl;
cout<<"2. Enter 'Calculator' if you want to do calculations"<<endl;
cout<<"3. Enter 'Table' to know the multiplication table of certain number"<<endl;
cout<<"4. Enter 'Squreroot' to know square root of cartain number"<<endl;
cout<<"5. Enter 'Square' to know square of certain number"<<endl;
if (name2=="Day"||name2=="day"||name2=="Time"||name2=="time")
time_t tt;
struct tm * ti;
ti = localtime(&tt);
+ 1
Will you make it more better'