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Hey im totally new to this. Can someone please explain why the code given below does not properly work?
#include <iostream> Using namespace std; Int main() { Int a; Int b; Int x = a + b; Int sum = x + x; Cout << "insert a number \n"; Cin >> a; Cout << "Insert another number \n"; Cin >> b; Cout << "the answer is : " << sum << endl; Return 0; }
2 Answers
+ 3
You declare a and b, but you don't give an initial value; so a and b have random values (whatever was there in memory before you declared you want to use that spot).
x = a + b now sums up these two random values. What will be the result? Something random.
You decide that sum is to be x + x. So what is random + random? Do you begin to see a pattern? Yeah - random! 😉
Now you read user input into a and b. a and b store new values now, the former random values are gone.
sum though is still the result of (a+b) + (a+b)
(x) + (x)
random + random. Because you made it so earlier.
In short: The sum you output has no relation to what the user input.
To correct this:
First take the user input.
Then sum up the user input.
Then output the sum.
Int a and b must be initialized first..😂