+ 3
What helps One to be a 100% Contributor And Influencer?
To be a 100% contributor and influencer on my SoloLearn profile, doing what activities can help do you think, dear SoloLearn friends 👫 ? Building up profile view and appearance is an important and great thing right? Your suggestions and advices help. Thnkz
4 Answers
+ 13
For being 100% contributor, you have to help people in Q/A section.
For being 100% influencer, people have to follow u.
Actually, building up profile view is not something that u should think about. You should be helping people with quality answers and by posting cool codes.
+ 6
Arushi Singhania, Thank you so much for your great Answer. I Appreciate.
don’t get me in a wrong way for that I said “building up profile”, what I exactly mean is to be a good learner and successful in my goals which is based to help both my self and the community.
and to do so, then help others and the community, firstly I should be A good learner and well educated that his profile speaks.
thank you so much Again.
+ 5
-Every 10 followers is 1% influencer uptick
-Every Question with 5 + votes in Q&A gets 2% contributer
+ 3
Diego, That helps Alot thank v.much.