+ 11
I learned sololearn but i can't write a code why?
28 Answers
+ 11
Most probably because you haven't really practiced how to code.
+ 11
Hi, Aman!
As for the algorithms I found this video that explains it very well
As for starting with html it is because it is a language that allows you to visualize your code in any browser and that helps you to get familiar with the code at the frontend level.
You can also see the html code of any web page with the "ctrl + shift + I" keys or right click "inspect" option. With this you can go practicing copying the div code that you like and seeing how they work in your code.
Another option is to see the codes published in the codeplayground ... there are very good works that can serve as reference for making your own codes.
I hope I have answered your question ...
+ 8
Thanks everyone to give answers for my questions
+ 7
How to write code.
Find a problem to solve.
Decide to solve the problem.
Write the problem down. Include a description.
Write out a process that describes the solution to the problem.
Congratulate yourself you have a flowchart.
Now pick a computer language to use to mimic the solution.
Let's say that you choose Basic .
Identify any variables and define them. Compose subroutines that mimic the steps you've described in your flowchart. Now write the main body of the program that steps through the subroutines aka functions until the solution has been presented.
You should have ready access to the documentation of the language you choose in order to reference it as necessary.
Congratulate yourself again, you have written a program.
Now go back and make it better.
+ 7
Learning the theory and applying it in practice are vastly different things initially after you learnt something. You need constant experimentation to get familiar with coding in that language.
+ 5
At least do some coding after finishing up a topic before starting another
+ 5
I recommend you to go step by step
Start with Html so you can go visualizing the results of what programs. You can practice trying to imitate any web page that you like. If you press "ctrl + mayus + I" in any web page you will see the html code of the page that will serve as a reference. You can also see the CSS styles.
When you already manage the graphic part of a website you can start learning a slightly more abstract language to code the functionalities of the page. The ideal is to learn JavaScript.
Then you can dare with something more complex at the level of functionalities such as php, python, java, c ++ ...
Before starting a code you must do an algorithm ..... watching step by step what the code is going to do ...
You must define what are the data entries ... the process that will be done with the data ... and finally what will be the output of your code.
+ 5
Hi Michael Williams
If I understood your question correctly, I am using a QWERTY keyboard.
The "mayus" key on some keyboards is the one on the up arrow that is also called "shift".
Another option to see the html of a page is to right click and select the "Inspect" option that appears at the end of the list.
I hope I have answered your question.
+ 5
For writing a code you have to do only practice.
The more you code a much more perfect you become
Also see others code for learning tricks
+ 5
Java, c, c++,html
+ 4
As others have said it's probably because you have not practised enough.
+ 4
maybe your keyboard doesnโt work :-D
Really tho, as others mentioned try finding a problem and solving it with code. Thereโs a lot of interesting things you can code on your own and call it a program. You can make a simple calculator, or a part of it, for example. You can search Internet for other code challenges
+ 4
Hi Rosalinda Colella
Plz understand to me about your answer in detail
+ 4
Guys I have arranged a challenge for you all....
Please check it out
+ 4
Aman that are very interesting languages
+ 4
Rosalinda thanks
+ 3
Practice evertime how it possible
+ 3
Give up is not a solution of any problem
+ 3
Rosalinda Colella, I am curious.
You mentioned 'mayus' as a part of a keystroke combination.
I am sure that this is a localization. My question is which keyboard localization are you using?
+ 3
Absolutely answered. Thank you.