+ 2
What is your opinion
answers like " Check the Q & A" are absolutely needles, just the same if i would answer "Go and ask google"
9 Answers
+ 5
meh. asking questions that are easily discovered with a search or you know covered in the q&a or worse still the first lesson of the language are super lazy and really do not merit an actual response do they? If its something that they have tried to learn but are stuck I am usually more than happy to help.. but questions like help me code or give me the code for this problem are just lazy people unwilling to think about a solution. anyway. end of rant..
+ 3
but to answer them correctly is just enabling their lazyness. i guess the only way is to not answer at all? what do you think?
+ 2
maybe some people ask easy questions just to get a badge ?
+ 1
i'am with you jay, but to answer that sort of question makes me not better then the questioner
+ 1
@ jay, thats exactly what i meen
some people are lazy to go google on here lol they're still gonna ask question on here
Isn't this the reason of a Q&A ? ;-)
who is thatcher the reisen?
@L.M. sorry, autotext language is german so i have to correct every word