+ 6
Layers of Abstraction and how they stack on top of each other.
Understanding layer of abstraction and how stack are on the top of each other to become a Kernel developer, compiler developer, ....
2 Answers
+ 3
That's a lot of things to ask of in one question. There are people who dedicate their lives to those things! I'm afraid I can't instantly impart knowledge telepathically, but I'll give a text summary. Of which I might make mistakes.
So at the very bottom of the stack is 1's and 0's and logic gates. This is the very base of how a computer does everything. Hardware.
Then there is firmware which is built in software into the hardware. Which can allow for:
Instruction sets and assembly code, which attempt to make binary into a human readable format.
From here you can use programming lamguages like C, which compile to assembly.
Then is the boot loader which loads the kernel and operating system, and the kernel helps the operating system use the hardware.
Usually kernels and operating systems are written in C, but they don't have to be.
From there, you have your programs on your operating system. You make a compiler which makes an exectuable program from code, or a interpreter which does it live.
+ 6
C, x86 Assembly, how to write a compiler, how to write emulators, how JITs work, how kernels are constructed.