+ 18
What is the advantages of html language?
What is the difference between HTML and other languages what is the advantages of HTML language ?
11 Answers
+ 8
Html :- hyper text markup language
Html is very easy to way Web development
+ 7
It makes the internet what it is today and not something for just a select few specialists.
+ 4
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a globally accepted programming language for formatting web pages. Advantages of HTML: HTML files are plain-text files, so they can be edited on any type of computer. Every browser supports HTML language...
+ 3
Html is used to create websites. Thats the purpose/advantage of html.
+ 3
Every web page you see on the Internet is written using HTML .HTMLÂ is the basic language to learn for web technologies.It is quite easy language to learn.Even for learning javascript, like for integrating javascript into html, we need to know some basics of html. So learning HTML is the basic thing to do,If we want to learn web technologies.One more advantage is we can integrate many languages with HTML. Some of them are PHP, java scripts like node js and many more.
+ 2
HTML is not a language. It's a notation (like CSS, JSON, CSV, ...).
+ 1
It is the very easiest language for web development. And it is used in various fields. The main advantage is that it is so easy that many people suggest beginners to start learning HTML, PYTHON, JAVA ... then to other tougher languages.
Hope this helps:)
+ 1
Ask a person who develops native apps for Android and he'll tell you how easy is htmlđ...You can create professional looking sites only using div p and img tag with some basic knowledge of css
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