+ 2
I really don’t grt what does position does can someone explain the difference between position: relative and postion:absolute
3 Answers
+ 6
Well... Basically "position: absolute" is related with the screen's position, and "position:relative" is related with the element's father position.
At first, they seem to do the same thing, but there's a great difference between them.
For example...
An element with "position: absolute" will always be in the same position, regardless his father's position.
However with an element with "position: relative", its position will change if its father's position change.
+ 1
Daniel Yuki Nice Explanation
+ 1
To add on , the father's position refers to the elements on the page ie the page itself such that position:absolute will produce an effect of us moving the parent position(the page) but have our position element remain on it's position even if other elements hover above it😅