+ 31
COTD is not appearing in my activity feed.
29 Answers
+ 40
Wow Geovanny Martínez Forero - that’s a first iphone users have something android users don’t.
Although, I would rather have all the features they have...... ☺️
+ 40
Does anyone know how often the "activity feed" is updated depending on the SoloLearner location?! 🤔💭
"Regarding SoloLearn announcements!"
+ 32
It appears on the iphone app.
here is the screenshot
+ 32
It is indeed a COTD...! 😁
From this morning!
From this night!
+ 31
A new bug in the App!?
I don't think so...!
Maybe, SoloLearn should clarify the situation. But, evidence is overwhelming.
+ 30
I guess not.
Geovanny Martínez Forero has iphone and he could see code of the day.
But I haven’t seen any android users mention it.
+ 30
Hatsy Rei and Ashutosh Agrawal - I’m guessing you both are android users?
+ 26
Ashutosh Agrawal Seconds after the post of Haris, the announcement of COTD vanished. I precisely checked it in that moment. Have you informed SoloLearn Team about the issue?!
+ 25
Ashutosh Agrawal Better late than never!
+ 24
Ashutosh Agrawal Sending an email with the details to them!
Support: info@sololearn.com
And do not forget to include the link of this thread...! 🙈
+ 18
Because there's no CoTD at the moment?
+ 18
There is no COTD for me either
+ 18
Ashutosh Agrawal same with mine😑
+ 17
I've been wondering about that as well. 🤔
Maybe we are just missing it because there's a random chance of the app showcasing specific content each time.
But I too haven't seen cotd for way too long.
+ 14
Just checking...!
Everyone can see the COTD from Today?! 🤔💭
I can..! 🙈
+ 13
Candyopoly Oo. Thanks for the context.
+ 10
I have been refreshing the app often since I saw someone congratulating a user for COTD but noting pop out
+ 10
*AsterisK* that user is me😢
+ 10
+ 9
How to do it