+ 3
Can i easily learn C++ if i know Python well !
7 Answers
+ 7
C++ and Python are not so similar languages buddy.
Python is a scripting typed programming language whereas C++ is a low-level, statically typed programming language.
Yes, you will learn the concept such as variables,if-else, loops, arrays, etc... very easily as the idea is almost the same but curly braces are there but I don't think it will affect much so you will comfortably learn those stuff.
But when you will start learning concept such as "Dynamic memory allocation", " Constructors", "destructors", " Pointers", "unions", " Access specifiers", you will must feel a bit difficulty because you haven't faced such problems in python programming language. Also, in python, you can directly accomplish many complex task by just use of Python's in-built functions, because of which you will face difficulty in finding algorithm to do that task. Infact, you will have to write more code in C++, as compare to python language.
+ 4
C is a better entry point into C++.
+ 3
You can learn Python very fast if you know C++ but unfortunately not the other way around!
+ 1
The problem with c++ is that it is good to learn pointers in c++. So no sadly it is not easy.