9 Answers
+ 4
Jacob Richard why not try simple challenges and move up little by little till you can solve that huge problem yourself, they is always different approach to solving a problem, if you keep taking hint from people how can you create your own algorithm, just an advice
+ 3
give this code a try. Just comment out my writing to a file of my test text, and enter the file name you want to analyse
+ 1
thanks Astersk.......thanks for the advice
You just posted 3 similar questions. So I'll give you 3 similar answers: Are you trying to get us to do your schoolwork for you? 🤨
Not really......
Jacob Richard not really...but yes I am?
just help me out with similar answers that i could use to write my own code ......
Jacob Richard You won't learn by other people handing you the answers, silly.
If you make an attempt and then post it, people can look at it and then explain what is wrong with it but it will do you know good to have someone do your work for you.
thank you......just needed guideline to do it.....