--->>>How can I get this elif statement to work?<<<---
#SHORT TERM CALCULATOR rate_of_pay = (input("what is the partners rate of pay?
quot;)) partnershare_factor = input("Is Partner eligible for PartnerShare? Y/N") #SALARY CALCULATIONS 100% 5 DAY WORK WEEK salary_weekly = float(rate_of_pay)*40 salary_daily = salary_weekly/5 #HOURLY CALCULATION 66.67% 7 DAY WORK WEEK hourly_cal = float(rate_of_pay)*40 hourly_weekly = hourly_cal*.6667 hourly_daily = hourly_weekly/7 --->>>**IF partnershare_factor = Y print this section**<<<--- #SALARIED TOTALS print ("\n") print ("Weekly = quot; + str(salary_weekly)) print ("Daily = quot; + str(salary_daily)) --->>>**ELSE partnershare_factore = N print this section**<<<--- #HOURLY TOTALS print ("\n") print ("Weekly = quot; + str(hourly_weekly)) print ("Daily = quot; + str(hourly_daily)) print ("\n")3 Answers
+ 1
I don't get anywhere with either link :(