+ 4
What is the difference between Client-server Model and Master-slave model ?
I know there are some protocols in networking who works on client server model(eg, TCP/ip) and some protocols works on Master-slave model (eg, ModBus) but what makes them different??
5 Answers
+ 1
It is independent from the direction of information flow. In Client-Server you look at two devices that communicate, Master-Slave is about interaction where the master actively has the control (e.g. distributes data/work).
+ 4
Daniel Adam sir, can we say that in master slave => slaves nodes serve to master node
In client-server => server node serves to the client node
(Serve in the sense of data,funcationality or even a web service)
In client and server, multiple clients can communicate with each other via server, does those slaves (in master slave) do the same(via master) ??
+ 4
Thank you for answering Daniel Adam 😄
+ 1
Looking at protocols, someone has to initiate a connection and someone must understand that requests (protocol). Within this context, the server accepts incomming requests and the clients start the communication.
Model is the wrong word I think. Master Slave is a concept of one controller and one or many worker, whilst a server-client describes a relation between two things, e.g. used in network scenarios that says there is a central point that offers something (e.g. data, functionality, ...) and others that consume it (clients). But on machine/device level everyone can be one of them or both.