Como recibir pagos con tarjeta script PHP
Hola por favor Necesito que me ayuden he comprado un Script en php tipo udemy y ahora Necesito cambiar el mĂ©todo de pago de stripe Y colocar 1 integrado de mi paĂs Alguien me puede ayudar
2 Answers
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I'm more than happy to help you, unfortunately I don't understand your question. As you can probably tell, most of SoloLearn users are speaking English. Therefore, if you want your question to have more answers or be answered faster, rewrite this in English :)
Thank you for your contribution!
He wrote:
How to receive PHP script card payments
Hello please I need you to help me I have bought a Script in php type udemy and now I need to change the payment method of stripe AND place 1 integrated of m