Different between define and const in c
What different between define and const in c programming Where is usage of its
2 Answers
+ 5
Rahman Rezaie
constĀ and #defineĀ both areĀ usedĀ for handleĀ constantsĀ in sourceĀ code, but they fewĀ differences. #defineĀ isĀ usedtoĀ defineĀ some values with a name (string), thisĀ definedĀ string is known as MacroĀ definitionĀ inĀ C, C++ whileĀ constis a keyword orĀ usedĀ to makeĀ theĀ value of an identifier (that isĀ constant) constant.
I hope I was helpful
+ 1
>>Constants are fixed value wich they are stored in memory .(memory allocation)
Before the compiler executes the code the preprocessor affect (send)the value when it reaches the constant name.
Int main(){
const int number= 3;
This constant is only accessible in the main function.
>>the define predective processor does not store the value in the the memory,but it search and insert(replace )the value.
>>eg:#define max 50
Int main(){
Int array[max]; //50.
The max value is accessible in all the file with all the functions.
Hope it is clear