+ 7
Is programming hard to learn ?
25 Answers
+ 13
It is easy if you think it is easy
It is hard if you think it is hard
Anyone that was able to read this post is likely to be intelligent enough to start learning programming.
+ 11
The only hard thing in this world is to eradicate stupidity. :D
+ 10
No. It's easy! :)
+ 7
depends on logical ability of a candidate... programming is just syntactical way of representing the logic... first of all person need to learn to be logically strong... Data structures and algorithms are the basic foundation for any programming language...
+ 7
I don't not believe that learning programming is hard. I believe people make it hard by not having the correct approach. the best way in my opinion is once you have picked a language and learn a new concept you practice it implementing it in different ways and make sure you fully understand want is going on and move on to the next lesson after so and build something as you go along in the lessons and see what you have in the end.
+ 5
+ 5
I don't understand it first,but I read it again then i understood..(I read tha languages 2 times to undrerstand)
+ 4
it's hard like my senpai's... toe
+ 4
@Demetrius Lewis
+ 4
if you think its easy then it will be easy or if you think it hard it will be hard :-)
+ 3
that depends on you.
if you have logical skills and eye for detail it helps.
A good memory especially remembering the code structures is also required. After that it is just doing it a lot that will get you to become a programmer.
You can read books explore different programming languages and spend time coding.
good luck!!
+ 3
(@ahri fox) nihongo wa wakarimasu ka?
+ 3
@ahri fox okay lol
+ 3
I know it sounds cheesy, but programming, like any learned skill, can be as hard or as easy as you need it to be.
Being new to development, the only thing I keep seeing is pick a project you like , and learn the language that makes it up. learn its syntax and rules, and maybe make a couple practice projects, and refine your understanding from there.
+ 3
Programmers are so many nowadays, but high qualification have a bit of the stack. Easy is the beginning and basics ( for me it was a head brake job) but for many folks it is more fun than efforts. I don't believe everyone could become a programmer. Candidates should have some main brain skills and persistence. Lot of time it needed also. Is it really worth? This is not at the end the only thing on the earth the men can do.
+ 2
also starting with simple algorithms and programs helps. I wrote the hello world in at least 10 different languages. Just to get started
+ 2
depends , it should be easy to learn but difficult to master
+ 1
It depends on who's trying to learn. If you give it a try and you discover that you find it interesting, engaging, fun, and rewarding, learning to program could be relatively easy for you. The most important thing is then finding enough time, great places to learn (like SoloLearn), interesting things/projects to work on, and great places to find answers to the many questions you'll run into (the web and Stack Overflow are your friend).
Helpful characteristics: you like explaining stuff in detail to your computer, are curious about how stuff works, like building something out of nothing, like getting immediate feedback, and have some time available.
Welcome to the world of programming!
+ 1
it can never be hard if you love it.
+ 1
It depends on the language. Look through some code samples and decide which paradigm combined with which syntax and which typing is best for you.