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Android studio not running!
I want to make mobile app but Android studio not working on my Pc Due to lack of RAM(i have 3gb on my Pc). Is there any other platform to make app By using Java programming with no heavy tools?
8 Answers
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Download only the android sdk and compile from command line. Android compilation proccess is very complicated, you should design a script that does everything for you (generating R files, compiling, making dex files, packaging, aligning, signing, installing on emulator or real device...)
+ 2
Standalone Android SDK is available in android studio download page. The zip will contain the basic tools, then you should use the included sdkmanager tool for download all the other packages (build-tools, platform, platform-tools and any other you may need). Use sdkmanager --list" for listing all packages and download the ones you will use (using sdkmanager package-name)
+ 2
You can use physical devices, you should enable developer tools and usb debugging in your device.
You will use ADB for connecting, installing and running the apk's in your device. After connecting the device to your computer (by USB) you may enable connections over wifi, you should set the listening port using ADB
+ 2
You're welcome. When debugging over wifi, the phone may lose to connection to ADB, you just ave to run adb disconnect and then install the device again (you just have to remember the phone's LAN ip address, e.g.
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Andres0b0100 I already downloaded everything the problem is that when I run
AVD(Android virtual...) it cannot show anything due to slow computer performance
Can I use Android studio without AVD?
+ 1
Andres0b0100 thanks I should try it.
+ 1
Andres0b0100 oke 😊