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Can I learn how to create A.I. in python? Is that difficult to learn how to make it in any language? Maybe you coul tell me how to do it or where to find how to do it?
3 Answers
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Languages required:
-Python is one of the languages for A.I, but you will also need to know other languages such as c++ and R.
How to learn A.I?
-As *AsterisK* mentioned you will need alot of time and even alot of determination to really be good at A.I programming.
Where to learn A.I?
-Master the programming languages required (from SoloLearn and other sources)
-Read books about this field
-Try getting a real life course for A.I if you can(if you can't there are still alot of other sources)
+ 3
Python probably has the best AI libraries.
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python might be the easiest approach for now, but for you to get the skill to code A.I you should be prepared and sacrifice lots of time to learn