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What type of programming language is used to design game graphics apart from unity???
4 Answers
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ÎM!N you're right, i did some researches and it seems like at the present time unity only supports c# and UnityScript (the unity JavaScript). I think i somehow got confused as Java is way too similar to c#, which made me think that unity does support both, also thanks for pointing that out you've made me do some researches that made me understand unity even more.
unity isn't a programming language, it is an engine than uses C# and Java as programming languages, if you meant by your question another engine besides unity, there is unreal engine 4 which uses C++ as a programming language
There are other game engines like Unreal (C++) or the proprietary Frostbite, or you can create your own in C/C++ using OpenGL/Vulkan/DirectX (or any language that provides wrappers for these libraries).