+ 1
Web - am I thinking this right? I thought I seen this before :
This sounds off topic, but It's not just listen: When you edit a picture on some software, there's usually the option that lets you change colors of an object. When you click on the ' change color ' it comes up with this color wheel (.?). And usually it has multiple options: Solid colors [ blue, red, green...], or the other kind you drag your mouse on and it's more advancers than just blue, red, or black. So is that a color picker (let's say it is.) ____this.To be continued below ... (cuz reached limit)..
3 Answers
+ 1
So we said it's a color picker. I thought one time I made a simple experiment code with<input type = " color " > and i made the color picker pop up. (not the one you have to type in. the one that the colors are visible and you can just click on the color).
i tried it today and it didn't. im not worried that it didn't, but im wondering What did I use | type to make that color picker pop up?
any ideas? ❗️
I dont think i still have the code, it was about 5 months ago when I was a beginner.
+ 1
Use jscolor.js
PS: i searched it from google.com with search words "color picker"
Calviղ ya. that looks more like what i had on my code. i don't remember using j.s though.